Nakai Nao: THE TIME RULED BY SNOW Nakai Nao: THE TIME RULED BY SNOW Nakai Nao: THE TIME RULED BY SNOW at Yokohama Civic Art Gallery Azamino
The Shapes of Words, The Words of Shapes The Shapes of Words, The Words of Shapes The Shapes of Words, The Words of Shapes Miyake Mai × Kasetsu
Memories Penetrate the Ground and Permeate the Wind Memories Penetrate the Ground and Permeate the Wind Memories Penetrate the Ground and Permeate the Wind at TOP MUSEUM
Shigeo Toya Forest-Lake: Regeneration and Memories Shigeo Toya Forest-Lake: Regeneration and Memories Shigeo Toya Forest-Lake: Regeneration and Memories at ICHIHARA Lakeside Museum
Everybody Needs a Rock Everybody Needs a Rock Everybody Needs a Rock at Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum
Mark Manders “The Absence of Mark Manders” Mark Manders “The Absence of Mark Manders” Mark Manders “The Absence of Mark Manders” at Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo
Shiori Horie Exhibition “A Breath Way” Shiori Horie Exhibition “A Breath Way” Shiori Horie Exhibition “A Breath Way” at √K Contemporary